Return Policies

Refund policy

Issuance of refund If your order can fulfill the conditions for refund are eligible for a refund.
-The shipping fee will not be included in the refund amount.
-The time takes for a refund may vary depend on the method you choose to refund.
-Once we received the returned product from from the customer it will undergo a quality inspection (2-3 working days).

Conditions for return
The product must be unused, or should not have any alterations. If a product returned to us has any deviations or any inadequate conditions we have the right to send it back to you.
* The product must have it's original tags, stickers, other attached items.
* The product must return with its' original packaging and must wrapped with its' second and/or third layera of packing materials and the shipping labels. And must be in a good conditions to ship back to us.

>>>The shipping cost for return must be held by you for courier service or you can hand it over in person.
*Debit or Credit Card Payment
Debit or Credit Card Payment Reversal - 5-7 working days

*Cash on Delivery (COD)
Bank Deposit - 4-5 working days